Gerco van Heerdt

I am a Research Engineer at Droit, where we transform regulations into computable logic.
I also hold an Honorary Research Associate title at the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification group at University College London, where previously I was a Research Fellow and where I also completed my PhD under supervision of Alexandra Silva. I did an MSc specialising in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science at Radboud University, where I obtained my BSc as well.
My academic focus was on generalising model learning with techniques from (co)algebra and category theory, a project we named CALF.
Before moving to London I lived in the Dutch country surrounded by meadows, sheep, and churches. I did some recreational programming and watched far too many films. Then before Covid you could usually find me exploring the city or its surroundings; nowadays I often spend my spare time programming some nonsense.
The rest of this website is structured as follows. Below is my contact information followed by a picture of myself in front of some paintings in order to show off both my cultural side and my figure at the same time. In Publications one finds a list of my publications, and Talks has details of past talks. There is the option to download my CV, and finally Ducks concludes with a glorious selection of duck pictures.
Email (private): gercovanheerdt (at) gmail (dot) com